2025.3.8 茨城自転車旅行1日目 憧れの海へ/Bicycle Trip Day 1

2025.3.8 茨城自転車旅行1日目 憧れの海へ/Bicycle Trip Day 1


#vlog #ロードバイク #サイクリング #一人旅 #自転車 #旅行 #栃木県 #茨城県 #ひたちなか市 #大洗町 #みつだんご #城里町 #茂木町 #水戸市 #那珂湊 #勝田駅 #テラスイン勝田 #グルメ #ゴープロ12 #日本


On the first day of my 2-night, 3-day bicycle trip, I went to the sea in Ibaraki Prefecture. It was a cloudy day, but when I saw the sea, I felt overwhelmed by how far I had come. When I visit Nakaminato or Oarai, I usually go to the fish market or the aquarium, but I decided to just wander around the town. The specialty, Mitsudango, was delicious. It was my first time eating it, but it has a nostalgic taste. I want to eat it again when I go to Oarai. I stayed overnight at a hotel in front of Katsuta Station in Hitachinaka

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